Satya Henkes
Ordinary life with a good basis in this reality is the best starting situation to give your spiritual intelligence a place.
What is Wisdom?
I pass on the teachings given by Grandmother Medicine Song based on Hopi and Native American wisdom. For those who want to live both the worldly and the spiritual in balance and beauty.
"Lolamai" Hopi for "All is beautiful"

Lecture, lessons or master class
By invitation and in consultation I occasionally give a single lesson or lecture for institutions or companies. Content and theme is tailor-made.
Topics are for example: personal leadership, ancient wisdom, storytelling, integrating spiritual intelligence and living in balance.
Traditional classes about Hopi Wisdom take place twice a month on Fridays. Individually or groups (possibly online)
It is possible to meet me and follow an introductory lesson about the content. If interested, I would like to receive your message at hopiteachings@gmail.com.

If you have any questions or would like to meet me without obligation Mail: hopiteachings@gmail.com
or use this contact form.